Dienstag, 15. September 2009


Back in the 90's there were 2 ways of havin an appointment:

You were on time to meet the person
You were on time tellin the person that you had no time

Bein reachable anytime time of the day kinda PISSES ME OFF - to say it in a polite way. People are too late, lettin you wait for hours or cancel meetings while you are on the way to them.

Thank god you can send a short message *rolleyes*

But in order to save money they assume you are online the whole day (- don't even think about that you are one of those 'losers' that don't have internet - how ridiculous) and send you a mail with a cancelation. Sure - I'm pressing 'F5' the whole day, honey!

The reason why I'm writing this. I got up early, dress myself, put make up on to be on time on my meeting with the bank - and the bank got the nerve to cancel my appointment - HELLO?

Ok... anyway...

Donnerstag, 3. September 2009

I know, I know, I know....

I know I've said something else...
I know I've promised to come back in august. For real I started to write new stuff, a blog, 2 new videos, I'm about to work on a collab with a "new" youtuber which happens to be a friend of mine (*zwinker to Corina*).
It's just that I never expected that Michael's passing would hit me so hard and today is a very sad day for us fans as well. I'm not gonna talk about it here, because I know you follow me because of me and not because of Michael Jackson. Any fan is welcome to follow me @FunkeyJay

Anyway... after spending so much time being not in front of the camera - I need to get used to it again LOL. Sounds strange - I know. Plus, I have a lot of personal issues I need to deal with before.

But all that doesn't mean that I'm doing nothing currently. I'm writing.
I won't close any account and stop being FunkeyGurl - Hell No! - I just can't.
I love to entertain people - I love to make people laugh - I love to be creative. So, there's simply no way out of being a youtuber - of being FunkeyGurl - ...being ME.

I'll be back - I promise :)

I'm hungry now LOL

See you!