Dienstag, 30. Juni 2009

This is how I feel....

Buket, you know her as Bouqué, sent me a sms in the middle of the night of the breaking news. I couldn't believe it and thought it was a bad joke because his tour was about to start and my first concert would be in less than 4 weeks. It was something which was impossible...

I grew up with him/ with his music. I first heard in the end of the 80's. I loved him. I tried to sing his songs. Everything I ever saw on TV just stuck in my mind, I never forgot all the scenes and the excitement, the magic e.g. the dangerous era. Meanwhile I had my little boygroup time, but Michael came back to me. In 1997 I started to collect things like crazy. To that time and years later I watched his dances, tried to teach them myself. It was different, it was innovativ, it was the BEST I've ever seen! The power, the energy, the magic - it couldn't be compared to someone else. I always tried to make plans to see him since the early 2000, but I was mostly too shy and scared to travel alone - but it was ALWAYS my biggest dream to meet him or see him live on stage... or just a second on some publice place - I didn't care, I just wanted to see him! Even the difficult time in 2004/05 didnt end my love to him because I always knew he was innocent.
After that it was really quiet but the announcement of the concerts made so happy like I haven't been before. I was lucky enough to get 4 tickets in the pre sale with VERY good view. I was happy, excited - finally my dream would be reality. I told my mom "After I've seen Michael, I can die - there won't be anything I need to see" with a big smile on my face.

My heart is broken. A part of my life has gone with him and I don't find the motivation to make new videos currently. It was my dream to be so good, to improve a lot, to become the best - so I can maybe work with him someday. I'm deeply sad. I'm crying ever since. Some people don't understand, but we fans do. And sorry to say that - if you think it's childish - please unfollow me, unsubscribe me - I don't need you.
It's very painful too because on his last pics he looks happy - he was ready for it. He wasn't ill as the press state. He was healthy. He looked healthy. But mostly - he was happy at the time - happy to start the tour and be with us again to share his talent on stage.

Michael, you will be deeply missed - every single day!
I'll keep you in my heart forever.
And even if I don't like to write this sentence because I don't want it to be true...
... Rest in heavenly Peace, Michael! See you on the other side!
I love you... more, Michael!

Thanks for reading!

Jennifer (FunkeyGurl)

Dienstag, 23. Juni 2009

The Joy of: Relaxing, Hater comments and re-writing my video

It's summer finally, it's a party week and end of the school!

Therefore I'm not online as much as I use to be (to promote my channel/videos). Today e.g. was such a nice day. Spending so much time in the sun! Gosh, it sounds pretty boring, isn't it? But I promoted my channel for months without any break and now I'm just enjoying myself :)

Ooooh and I found some joy in replying to hater comments. Actually I told you and myself to ignore them but sometimes it just so fun to reply on the same level... or act stupid... e.g. someone wrote "Fuck this" -> "I would but they would flag it"...hahah... I'm sorry it's fun for me :) Just in case you'd every read something like that ;)
Oh and I thought about making something like a "weekly reaction video" to comments, good and bad ones. Like talkin to some people directly. It would fun, wouldn't it?

My next video will be a vlog... actually I wrote the video in the beginning of this month, but Shane Dawson was faster, so I need to change some stuff to make it look like a video response, but also being a video on its own.

But before I move my ass in front of the camera again I'll enjoy a nice evening with a concert... again! But it's going to be Thomas D (google him!) and it's for free.

See you around funkey bitches


Dienstag, 16. Juni 2009

It's summer, bitches!

I'm sorry for the b-word, but I love to use it LOL

It's June and the summer is like it is every year in germany... NOT there!!
But no matter what: next week the whole city is upside down and partys all the time. That means I'm gonna let my inner Paris Hilton come to life - because if you don't know yet - I'm a supporter of the theory that there's "a Paris Hilton in all of us" LOL (no hater!)

So I might be not online that often or less that I'm now... because I don't want to send "drunken tweets" or something like that LOL

Stay Funkey, biiiiatches LOL

Freitag, 12. Juni 2009

It's weekend Ladies & Gentlemen

Felt like writing something...

...hope you all like my decision about uploading all my parodys to FunkeyGurlTV! Gosh german laws sucks - but if I have to make that step to become a partner someday - Be It! But the honors on my 2nd channel are amazing! Thank you!

It sucks that I can make the parodys anymore, but I can make fun at any celebrity I want to - AND hell YEAH! I will! LOL! Already have some ideas and creative word games! But all that stuff doesnt fit, so I've a lot to think and write... and actually watch some stuff on YouTube so I can make a spoof (and believe me - I don't want to watch that TV show LOL)

That's it! Have a FUNKEY weekend!!


Montag, 8. Juni 2009

WhatTheBuck Feature, concerts and fighting to get a YouTube Partnership

Hey hey!

Such a great week! Unbelieveable! Do you remember my last blog? I wrote that I'm gonna make a parody of a famous youtuber as a birthday present for always making me laugh. It's was for Michael Buckley a.k.a. WhatTheBuck! He's such a great personality, makes me laugh every time :)
And great things happened.
He featured my video for one day on his page and after that it was visible in his faves. You can see my video on his homepage too :) He commented it and said that he is obsessed with my one :) Means so much :) Don't forget to say Happy Birthday to him today!!

Besides that I travelled a bit in germany to visit concerts of the "Farin Urlaub Racing Team". It was great and fun! Stood in the first row, partied... just enjoying everything. Did I mention that I love concerts? LOL

YouTube Partnership... it's difficult! Just heard that in germany are different rules than in the US e.g. That means in germany I am NOT allowed to use instrumentals for parodys... that means .... since I don't want to delete any of them... I need to create a new account! It's actually a pity, because I've put a LOT of work in my FunkeyGurlNo1 channel but it seems like I need a new one... I need a plan!
If I create a new account... please follow me and subscribe

Funkey Greetz

Montag, 1. Juni 2009

Yieha! New video!

I worked through the night! Not even tired. I started at about 1 am with make up, preparing the cam and stuff and now about 11 pm (west european time) I'm waiting till my PC is done with... uhm... well whatever the program has to do to make it a video...

21 hours.. puhhh! I hope you guys like it and I didn't get rusty over the last weeks!

Actually the video is pretty negative, but don't worry about me! I just had to say it and it was fun writing it!
Again, I know I can't sing that well LOL it's a duet, COME ON LOL! (my sis mentions it sounded strange because there are "too many voices on it", but she took a look before I uploaded it and she liked it!) and the light SUCKS that much! I'm sorry!

Whatelse? I made a second video but I'm not sure if you like it! It's a parody of a famous youtuber! He's great and it's his birthday very soon! It's my present for "making me laugh" :)

Anyway, hope you enjoy my new vid :)


Ps: I know, to the time I published the blog my vid wasnt online - so, if you're reading it before seeing the vid... you have a little guess what it could be about LOL