Montag, 25. Mai 2009

Viva la.....el Red Bull??

No, I'm not getting paid for always mentioning Red Bull... but it's hard to live without it currently, tastes good, keeps me awake... and .... Zzzzzzzz... just kidding :)

Goooood news guys! Only 2 finals left and then I'm free... free free free... free to make videos again! I have so many new creative ideas, but I can't find the time to write something down, to inform myself about stuff... it's so annoying! I can't wait to finally make videos for you guys! Hope u'll like my ideas... oooh.. and btw I'll be in a little collab-happy-birthday-video for WhatTheBuck... well, if I don't miss the deadline LOL... it won't be anything special, just me speaking, but hey... I felt the need to inform you!!

And the result of this blog? First June week = new video!



Montag, 18. Mai 2009


I was thinking about creating a little concept for my channel...

I already have some ideas, but still it's difficult without "copying" someone. Actually I'm not into copying at all, but it happens that YouTubers (or human beings in general) come up with same ideas. But I want to keep it original and FUNKEY.

That's why I'm asking YOU to help me!

What do you like on my YouTube channel?
Which videos did you enjoy the most?
What would you like to see more often?
What did you dislike?
What do you wish to see but haven't seen yet?

Just tell me what you think!

I'm happy about every mail that I get!

Funkey greetings!

Montag, 11. Mai 2009

So so soooooo busy!

Yes I am!

I already have been really busy with promoting myself to get noticed... but now it's getting worser than ever!

My final exams!!!! Aaawwwwww!! I need to learn so much! Economics, English, German, Spanish and Mathematics will be the subjects I will be tested in from next week till the end of may.

Not very interesting, huh? You'd rather hear about some YouTube and Video stuff, don't you?

Well, since I've to learn that much I won't be able to make any special videos. But I'll upload one very soon... this video won't be a big surpise. I promise, you will think that when you watch it :)

Buuuuut... I already wrote some new stuff, and I have new ideas. I'd love to collab with a big YouTuber, he's great and I'm gonna ask him in the upcoming weeks, just want my Subs Number to increase a bit... I won't tell ya who I'm gonna ask, but please please pleaaaaase keep your fingers crossed for me :)

I also love to collab with other YouTubers and I love Video Responses... but I still haven't received a lot... oh wait.. I received a mail about a collab... need to check it...

SEEEE YAAAA Sooon and be patient with me... this is gonna be a VERY VERY busy time for me

Stay Funkey!

Samstag, 2. Mai 2009

And I'm so sick of.... Love Songs??

No, I'm so sick of being sick actually. NeYos Song just came to my mind! Sick since thursday and I hate it. Hate being not able to make videos, not being able to think, talk, write, concentrate...

Just a little update actually, because soon the rest of my power will leave me.

I've new ideas for videos but I've to wait till I'm fit again! I'm sooo sick! :(

Have a healthy and funkey weekend :)