Mittwoch, 29. April 2009

Uhm... well....

... yeah...! It's already wednesday and I haven't posted a blog since sunday!

I'm kinda new, well, ok... I'm new to this blog thing, is it something you have to update regulary? Like every day? Or at least every second day?

- I don't know! But I feel like writing a new one... don't know about what, let's see where it leads LOL

Actually I'm very stressed currently... Tests before my final exams, a big and important presentation about euroisation/dollarisation I have to prepare and present alone, learning for my final exams... aaaand still promoting my channel in order to get subscribers and increasing my popularity. I told ya why in my last blog! And I love to keep in touch with my subs, that means I'm currently doing about 4 things at the same time...

Actually this blog should have the title "I love being busy"... but "uhm... well..." is cool too! HaHa!

See ya!

Stay Funkey!

Sonntag, 26. April 2009

I'm such a lazy person ...

... as I already mentioned in my last video.

All the important stuff I really need to learn, because of an important test on tuesday, is laying on the table. I can see it from here... But guess what is more interesting?

YES! YouTube....

But not watching videos and having fun by wasting time, NO, promoting my channel, sending mails, answering... getting popular on YouTube.
I can't deny my souls desire: I want to be in the show business someday. I want it since I'm 11 year old and since I'm 12 years old I've made videos, directed, edited them. I wrote stories/sketches, acted and besides that I wrote songs, sang (and still can't sing LOL) and even danced.

But back to my life now... Damnit, I need to learn that stuff... by the way, it's economics/business studies... or whatever, my online dictonary gives me 2 examples...

I need to pull myself together! Only 2 1/2 months and then I will never ever have to go to school again... but to university :)

Samstag, 25. April 2009

First Blog

Wow - welcome to the future, Ms Funkey. Never thought I would ever start something like a blog but since I post vlogs - why not blogs?

Let see how everything works...

I'm going to post blogs now and then, also I try to figure out if I like or dislike it.


... welcome to FunkeyGurl's Blog :)